So this is Draka and I. Draka is our newest member of our family. Mace passed away last week and we found this sweetheart on Craigslist and couldn't pass her up. Not sure what breeds she is but we're guessing Husky/Rottie mix. She's colored up like a Rottie but has the face and tail of a Husky. We'll just have to wait till she's older and find out then I guess. :P Hopefully she stay's fluffy :) And if you were wondering its pronounced Drae-Ka not Dra-Ka. (I can't seemed to remember how to do the soft A but you get the point right?) She was named after Thrall's mother in World of Warcrack. Yes, I know we're nerds :)
Our lives have been pretty good since the last time I took time to blog about life. I got a job at wally world and I'm enjoying it so far. Its been nice to actually pay bills for once :) We lost Mace because someone threw tinfoil in our back yard and he ate it. We rushed him to the vet but unfortunately there was nothing we could do and we had to put him down. But hopefully Draka will help heal the lonely feeling left in the house for all of us. Bear misses him so much.