So about 12 weeks ago we brought home a little bitty bundle of furry joy.......I know kids grow fast but its been a trip watching Draka go from a little baby puppy to the awkward teenage puppy she is know. And at just over 4 months I know she's got a ton more to go :P Here is the newest of the pictures we have of her from the last month for those who care :) Remember this is my "baby."
See she's HUGE!!!!

Me and my babies :) just missing the kitties in this one.
No mama no kisses for you!!!
Gotta love that tongue action and she's standing all on top of my clean laundry.
My baby girl is so big. I can't wait to see how big she finally gets. Although I think i'm gonna eventually have to stop holding her like a baby. She's starting to hurt my arms LOL