Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Its a miricle
I came home and made this after work and then went to bed 2 1/2 hours later....... something must be wrong with me that I actually ate BREAKFAST. even if it was dinner to me LOL
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
What a weekend....
My 13 year old cousin came out from Utah and Sunday I managed to find away to go up without losing hours at work or switching shifts. It was so much fun and was super relaxing. I'm still trying to figure out how I managed to stay up from 6pm Saturday night till 2am Monday morning before passing out and apparently snoring my head off. While we didn't do much we did go up to a civil war museum to watch a Cannon demonstration and I'll probably be posting the video for my wordless Wednesday tomorrow before we head out for Melyanne's first birthday party. After the civil war Museum though we went on a 2 hour walking tour of some of the most haunted places in Roswell Georgia. The tour wasn't AMAZING but we did catch some interesting things :) If you find something that you want me to send you a copy of blown up so you can determine what it is in the picture that's fine. I don't mind some of the things we caught you have to zoom in to really see. I'll do another post with more refined evidence. But i need to make dinner and go to work. Can't be late for only my second day as full time. ( more on the good fortune that has befallen us later.)
Orange orbs...bugs white orb......dust or orb what do you think?
there are several orbs in this picture.....needs more evaluation before i can say anything for sure
this black figure was in three shots we took but when Reggie zoomed in.....
Orange orbs...bugs white orb......dust or orb what do you think?
there are several orbs in this picture.....needs more evaluation before i can say anything for sure
this black figure was in three shots we took but when Reggie zoomed in.....
Its gone?
Gonna have to post a zoomed in shot of this picture. That white thing is actually 6 illuminated orbs stacked.
The hollow orbs are dust.....the the ones that look like they are GIVING off light aren't dust or fireflies. Will post a picture of what the fire flies look like when caught on camera later.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Monday, May 9, 2011
Monday's Memory:Birthday!
Randomly today I remembered a birthday that I will probably never forget. Worst part is that i dont' talk to this person anymore. Makes me sad when i realize just how many people I've lost contact with over the years. But this was my 12th or 13th birthday. My mom had left before I woke up that morning and hadn't said anything to me and when I got down to the bus stop no one had said anything to me. I went the entire day with out a single person I knew saying anything to me. It was as if everyone had forgotten my birthday. I ate my lunch alone and made my way to sit out side my Utah History class. I think I even had started crying when a guy walked up to me. I'd talked to him a few times in class but I wouldn't have called us friends at the time. He sat down next to me and asked me what was wrong. I told him about my day and then rested my head back down on my knees. He disappeared some where and when the bell rang and our teacher had unlocked the door I made my way to my seat. As everyone filed into the class room everyone walked over and wished me Happy Birthday. I found out later that he'd asked everyone to say something to me. Even though it started out crappy I think that was one of my best birthdays ever thanks to that kid.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
25 ...
I turned 25 on Saturday....half way to 50. Scary huh? Had a good birthday though. My friends Liz and Deanna came down from Atlanta to celebrate with me on Friday and Melyanne, Edith and Darrell came over as well. It was so much fun just to hang out with friends again. I miss having that interaction with fleshies and not techies. Don't get me wrong I love my WoW folks but its just not as much fun as having real people here with you playing Kinect and laughing. I wish that I'd had more people here but most of those people I don't think I'll see again. Which makes me sad but thanks to Facebook and other media I can watch their kids grow up as well as them and their significant others. Its nice to know that it is so easy to keep in touch with those you care about. I keep hoping that Reg and I can one day set aside the nessicary funds to go back to Utah for a week or so just so I can see people again. I remember so many wonderful moments from High School and Jr. High. I really miss those days. Figured I'd do a post so I could post pictures from the event :)
What is is Mommy?
I was babysitting before the party and I was getting things ready in the kitchen...I turn to check on Melyanne and this is what I saw. She's sleeping not dead LOL
Yummy dinner :)
Lovable molly. Has to kiss everyone
We made Mini burgers just for Melyanne
Outside teal
Inside pink :)
The final Product Cheese Stuffed Burgers :)
Rocking out after dinner. Edit and Melyanne.
Molly Loved to lick Liz's face. I think she's salty :P
Birthday Girl chillin out after dinner
The Finished Cake.....It was SOOOOOOOO good.
Darrell the super model.
This is why you don't let Canadians and Chileans near Icing......>.<
All Tuckered out from all the guests.
The lovely wrapping paper that Deanna Did on my presents. They were so cute. :) They got me some original copies of my favorite series.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Monday's Memory: Engaged
Now its nothing fancy and its rather short but I thought I'd share my memories of when Reggie proposed to me. Well I'd been waiting for him to ask me for about 2 years before he finally popped the question. I'd always get answers like "i'm not sure I wanna marry you yet." or "I have a plan just be patient." It frustrated me to no end. I was always used to hearing people dated for a few months and got married. We'd been together for 2 years almost 3 when he finally proposed.
Every year Reggie's family celebrates the family Christmases on Christmas Eve since they usually go to one of Joyce's siblings or her family comes to their house (it rotates every year.) We were going to spend Christmas Eve down here with his family and I was going to go to my moms for Christmas Day since Reggie had to work that year. I hated it so much but I couldn't help his schedule. Reggie brought over Spark of Insanity and we were playing it in the back ground. We'd finished dinner and I was watching in the recliner and Reggie's parents were in the kitchen cleaning up when the clock hit 12 AM. Well Reggie got all excited and told me that I had to get my gift then. So he got a bag out from under the tree and got down on one knee. Took the ring box out of the bag and presented me with the ring. I about died. Then amid the pause you hear "SILENCE i KILL YOU!" What timing right. :P
Two years later I married him at the court house surrounded by the people we loved the most and we've been happy ever since and always will be no matter what happens in life.
Every year Reggie's family celebrates the family Christmases on Christmas Eve since they usually go to one of Joyce's siblings or her family comes to their house (it rotates every year.) We were going to spend Christmas Eve down here with his family and I was going to go to my moms for Christmas Day since Reggie had to work that year. I hated it so much but I couldn't help his schedule. Reggie brought over Spark of Insanity and we were playing it in the back ground. We'd finished dinner and I was watching in the recliner and Reggie's parents were in the kitchen cleaning up when the clock hit 12 AM. Well Reggie got all excited and told me that I had to get my gift then. So he got a bag out from under the tree and got down on one knee. Took the ring box out of the bag and presented me with the ring. I about died. Then amid the pause you hear "SILENCE i KILL YOU!" What timing right. :P
Two years later I married him at the court house surrounded by the people we loved the most and we've been happy ever since and always will be no matter what happens in life.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Happy Birthday!
Today we are going up to get some college friends of mine for my birthday weekend.I have tomorrow off so we're going to have a barbecue with them and a friend of mine from work, her baby girl and her husband. Should be a good time had by all. I'll be turning 25. Wow.....i'm getting old. I used to tease Reggie about being old when he turned 25 and this year he turned 27. Its amazing how time seems to fly by you as you get older. I remember as a kid time seemed so slow it hurt and now......I've been married for 2 years already. How did that happen. Its amazing how much you sober up knowing that you are already half way to 50 which is where life seems to slow down just a little bit. I wanted to have my kids by now and I wanted to be a teacher but I have achieved so little and time just keeps whizzing by me. I have no regrets don't get me wrong its just amazing to see what my life is now compared to how I thought it would be. I'm glad we've waited to have kids. Its given Reggie and I the opportunity to explore our intimacy and have "married" time. I do fear that it will be hard on Reggie when we do have kids. However, I have seen that side of him through Melyanne and the time we've spent with her. He'll kill me for saying this but he is wonderful with kids. I remember him telling me how much he hated being around babies and that joking that we should adopt an older child so he doesn't h ave to deal with the 1-5 years but I don't believe him now. the way he helps me with Melyanne when I babysit proves that too me. He's so kind and gentle and sweet. She may not be ours but she sure has Reggie wrapped around her little finger. So Saturday I meet 25 and what do I have to show for it. A loving husband and 6 "furry" babies who love me. I'm employed and surviving in this hard time. I have good friends who care about me all around the world and so many other blessings in this life. Happy birthday to me :)
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
left out
Some times I look at my friend's pictures of their kids and find myself yearning to have what they have. Don't get me wrong my six furry babies keep me busy but its not the same. I want to hold a baby in my arm and see them smiling back at me. I want to see a little being grow up fast and look just like her father. I want to watch them crawl and walk and talk. I feel like they all belong to this club that I may never join. I know everyone keeps telling me to stop wanting a baby so badly and thats when it will happen to us but they don't understand. The only thing I've known for sure in this life time is that I want to be a mom. I want to know the joy of waking up every four hours to nurse and be drained the next day at work. I watch it happen around me with my friends and even though they say its the worst you can tell they love being a parent. I just hope that I don't end up disappointing Reggie some how if I can't have children. I shouldn't say that. I've been blessed with a vision of my baby girl. I know I'll have her some day but I can't help wanting her to join our family NOW! Yes you read that right. I've seen my baby girl. I wasn't asleep I was mediating when I saw her playing on the ground with her toys. Blond hair Brown eyes and she looked just like Reggie. I felt the joy of a mother when I saw her there smiling up at me. I know its silly but I hold on to that image each day close to my heart. Soon I keep telling myself that. And I guess since no one really reads this that will leak info....yes Reggie and I have started trying. Stupid I know since we really aren't financially ready but both of us feel like if we wait too much longer it will not happen.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Monday's Memory: Best Friends
Thanks to having a bad memory this blog experiment is rather difficult for me. Wordless Wednesdays are easy due to the lovely antics of my "kids", but most memories for me are things that people tell me happened. I remember bits and pieces from major events in my life but little memories tend to slip through the cracks. However, last night one magically made an appearance as Reggie and I were driving down the freeway.
Earlier that night Reggie had read an article that had the line that said something like , "I didn't do it." is the fastest way to let a cop know your guilty. As Reggie was telling me about the article I flashed back to high school. I don't remember where we were going or if we were coming back from somewhere all I remember is driving in Jennifer's orange Gran Torino and hearing a siren come up behind us. As we pulled over Jen starts laughing nervously as did I. That cop had to think we were insane or something. I think we stopped long enough for him to get her information and head back to the car before we busted out again. I don't know how she managed not to get a ticket because from what I remember she was going a lot over the speed limit.
I remember us laughing even harder as we headed back to our destination. Most of my memories from high school involve Jen. We used to be joined at the hip and even today we are still some what close. Though we've lost a bit of what we had due to long distance, I still consider her my best friend and know that I'd be a totally different person had I never met her.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Walmart Sucks
I never thought I'd end up bitter. I figured that my people personness would rule out what the older cashiers told me. But after nearly a year there I find myself saying things in my head that have never been characteristic of myself. It amazes me just how some people are. My wrists are constantly sore from customers not thinking about what they are doing and turning the carousel with my hand still in the bag from putting an item into it...then for the kicker look at me like how dare I not let them get their bag that only has TWO items in it. Sometimes I think they believe that if they don't snatch it out from under me I won't turn it and they won't get the bag. I wanna look at them and say "I'll turn the damned thing when I'm done." But I settle for rubbing my wrist and moving on. You know they don't even apologize half the time. How hard is it to utter a simple ooops sorry.
Next time you are in Walmart think about your cashier and give them a little bit of respect.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Monday's Memory:Bear
After reading Natalie's post I got inspired to write one about our first dog.
Bugga Bear shortly after we got him.
I had been wanting a dog for a long time. When we moved in together I settled for a kitten due to lack of space and money. We got married in 2009 and had moved into a house that we are still currently renting to own. I was looking on Craigslist as I often had oogleing at the puppies that needed homes and yearning for one. Reggie had just been let go from Backbuster...I mean Blockbuster after 7 years and was working with an inventory group that would go out of town on the weekends. Reggie wasn't comfortable with me being alone and told me that for my wedding present I could get me a dog. I saw "Buddy"'s ad on Craigslist and quickly emailed the woman who was offering him up to a good home. We got there and instantly I fell for his big brown eyes and floppy ears. Reggie wasn't so sure about him. He was bigger than Reggie wanted for our budget and he was afraid that food would cause a bump in our budget. We were talking to the woman for about 15 minutes and I was playing with "Buddy" trying to butter up Reggie. Well the sun came out from behind some clouds and Reggie excused himself to grab his sunglasses out of the car.
Next thing I see is this streak of black racing for the car and Reggie stumbling against the door. A smile finally appeared on his face as "Buddy" firmly planted his behind in the middle of the back seat. I looked at Reggie and said "Well you can't say no now!" Reggie rolled his eyes but guess what: Buddy, now Bear, Firmly holds a spot in Reggie's heart and Reggie is his favorite human. But thats okay the Dog that was supposed to be his Loves me more :)

I call this "Daddy's home"
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Wordless Wednesdays.
My dogs make an appearence. Can you spot Draka, Bear and Molly?
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Wordless Wednesday: The Foot Rest

While this is being posted technically on Thursday, I thought I'd steal this from Natalie to get me more into my blog. So in between posting short stories and my life i'll post these from time to time :)
Sunday, January 2, 2011
So about 12 weeks ago we brought home a little bitty bundle of furry joy.......I know kids grow fast but its been a trip watching Draka go from a little baby puppy to the awkward teenage puppy she is know. And at just over 4 months I know she's got a ton more to go :P Here is the newest of the pictures we have of her from the last month for those who care :) Remember this is my "baby."
My baby girl is so big. I can't wait to see how big she finally gets. Although I think i'm gonna eventually have to stop holding her like a baby. She's starting to hurt my arms LOL
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