I turned 25 on Saturday....half way to 50. Scary huh? Had a good birthday though. My friends Liz and Deanna came down from Atlanta to celebrate with me on Friday and Melyanne, Edith and Darrell came over as well. It was so much fun just to hang out with friends again. I miss having that interaction with fleshies and not techies. Don't get me wrong I love my WoW folks but its just not as much fun as having real people here with you playing Kinect and laughing. I wish that I'd had more people here but most of those people I don't think I'll see again. Which makes me sad but thanks to Facebook and other media I can watch their kids grow up as well as them and their significant others. Its nice to know that it is so easy to keep in touch with those you care about. I keep hoping that Reg and I can one day set aside the nessicary funds to go back to Utah for a week or so just so I can see people again. I remember so many wonderful moments from High School and Jr. High. I really miss those days. Figured I'd do a post so I could post pictures from the event :)

What is is Mommy?
I was babysitting before the party and I was getting things ready in the kitchen...I turn to check on Melyanne and this is what I saw. She's sleeping not dead LOL
Yummy dinner :)
Lovable molly. Has to kiss everyone
We made Mini burgers just for Melyanne
Outside teal
Inside pink :)
The final Product Cheese Stuffed Burgers :)
Rocking out after dinner. Edit and Melyanne.
Molly Loved to lick Liz's face. I think she's salty :P
Birthday Girl chillin out after dinner
The Finished Cake.....It was SOOOOOOOO good.
Darrell the super model.
This is why you don't let Canadians and Chileans near Icing......>.<
All Tuckered out from all the guests.
The lovely wrapping paper that Deanna Did on my presents. They were so cute. :) They got me some original copies of my favorite series.