So this new job is WONDERFUL! I couldn't ask for a better job. I feel bad though because I'm not able to teach them as much as I'd like due to their attention span but I'll take what I can get from two Toddler Boys in their Terrible 2s and 3s. Today was better than Monday though. Monday they pushed and pushed and pushed my buttons but I made it through and today was like cake and they were the boys I always babysit. I love them so much. There is only one problem....My wow is suffering. I know I know...I shouldn't care about a game LOL but it sucks because I have 5 hours to myself to have the computer but tonight and last night I'm so exhausted that I'm crashing in my food! I managed to stay awake to visit with family last night but passed out at midnight. And to night whew I'm making mistakes left and right while typing because my eyes are drooping.
This job has also made me aware of just how much I'm ready for mother hood as well as just how much I"m not ready, if that makes any sense to anyone but me. I love the taking care of the boys. Its so rewarding and wonderful but by golly I have so much trouble keeping up with them. Its not even the patience thing. I've got that down pat. But I really have to work on my health first and fore most. Its killing me running around playing tickle monster but then again I'm also working to keep myself from sliding on the hard wood floor so its alot more energy. Thats another blessing in disguise. I"m going to lose sooooo much weight at this job. Not just from the high energy activities but also because I'm eating more than once a day :). No more sumo wrassler diet for me :) I've already lost 20 lbs since christmas by just slowing down when I eat and actually chewing my food. Also I"ve started to cut back on my caffinated beverages and sugar intake.
There is something else that I've decided. Reggie and I are waiting till i can be a stay at home mom. There is no way I could do the mom thing and work. Two boys, or rather children, is more work than an 8 hour retail job sheesh. But I've gotten them to where all i have to do is start counting and they stop what they are doing that they know is bad :). I'm going to enjoy this job till april :). Whish me luck with 1, 2 buckle my shoe and 10 little indians tomorrow :) oh and the loverly joy of making pizza with them. Gonna teach them ovals with it. Or maybe we could make an octagon pizza. Daniel is doing so well with that shape :) I think its his favorite. he points it out everywhere. LOL
Anyway I'm going to bed now. I'm sure this blog makes not sense to anyone but me but hey i'm tired and thats my exuse...whats yours *giggle* jk
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
You know you are an insomniac when...
when you have to get up at 6 am and its 3 am and you aren't even remotely sleepy. *sigh* Well I guess I can post a smidget of a blog :)
I'll post some pictures of reggie and I this christmas. Hopefully we'll have enough to set aside soon for some professional pics. We haven't even gotten our engagement photos yet...I'm hoping we can go to a decent place for pictures and get some more poses than the normal ones they do at wally world. Don't get me wrong I've had some beautiful pictures at walmart but...I want some extrodinarily good pictures for these ones since they will be our first professional ones together. :) Anyway here are some we took with Reggie's phone....

No we're not drunk..Actually I was in a bad mood when we took these and this was his way of actually getting me to smile in a sweet huh :)

Me trying to actually look decent ina photo. My hair looks like crap :*(

The love of my life :) He's the best man I have ever been with :)

Our cute little tree. Its so pretty you can't really tell here. I wish we had a digi camera.

I had too much free time LOL

I thought this one turned out nice :) and its his favorite movie too so now he's my jedi master :)
I'll post some pictures of reggie and I this christmas. Hopefully we'll have enough to set aside soon for some professional pics. We haven't even gotten our engagement photos yet...I'm hoping we can go to a decent place for pictures and get some more poses than the normal ones they do at wally world. Don't get me wrong I've had some beautiful pictures at walmart but...I want some extrodinarily good pictures for these ones since they will be our first professional ones together. :) Anyway here are some we took with Reggie's phone....

No we're not drunk..Actually I was in a bad mood when we took these and this was his way of actually getting me to smile in a sweet huh :)

Me trying to actually look decent ina photo. My hair looks like crap :*(

The love of my life :) He's the best man I have ever been with :)

Our cute little tree. Its so pretty you can't really tell here. I wish we had a digi camera.

I had too much free time LOL

I thought this one turned out nice :) and its his favorite movie too so now he's my jedi master :)
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Well I start my new job bright and early tomorrow morning. I'm so excited. I can't wait. But thats not what I wanted to blog about...dun dun dun. I just found out that there is a tenth night world book that might have been published in 2006 called Strange fate by LJ smith and I can't find it anywhere. If by chance someone stumbles across this blog and knows of a place to find it or knows if the 2006 date never followed through let me know. I"m soooooooo P.O.ed right now. I want to know who makes it out of the apoclolyps if anyone does. GRRRR... don't you hate that about series when they stop abruptly? *sigh*
Oh and natalie thanks for the comment. Its making me think. I did read it and it helped alot thank you.
Oh and natalie thanks for the comment. Its making me think. I did read it and it helped alot thank you.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas!!!
Happy Yule!!
Merry Winter Solstice!
Hope all of you have a wonderful day!
Happy Yule!!
Merry Winter Solstice!
Hope all of you have a wonderful day!
Monday, December 22, 2008
So I was thinking. Yes I know, not something I do a lot. (jk inside joke with my fiance.) And I realized just how many people I've known through out my 22 years of existence and then I realized just how many of those people I still know and talk to to day. I started thinking about all the people I thought I would have in my life forever and just how fleeting their moment in the movie of my life was. I started thinking of old friends who haven't taken the time to find me online, old boyfriends, and old enemies. I started thinking alot about that phrase "what if" a lot as well. Its really amazing when you follow that thought through to think of how your life would have changed. If I hadn't moved to Georgia, would I have ever met my fiance? Or would I have made a life with someone in Utah? Or would I have grown old next to my best friend as old betty's with 100 cats to keep us company? So many out comes to think about. There are so many people in my life that I'm greatful for and so many things I wouldn't change. There are also people who were in my life who I some times think about and wonder how they are and what they are doing. Its just a sobering thought when you think about it. All the friends I had in College that I thought would be in my life for years really only lasted a year or two. I managed to get away from my college expirence with one friend. When I was in Highschool and Jr. High I coudln't even begin to count the number of friends I had that I thought were close to me, and now I can count on one hand. (Tia you are on that hand don't worry :) and Natalie I'd like to think that you are there too. I wish I knew you and your family better. And I'll say this again for the hundreth time. Copeland is way too cute for his own good :)) I guess this all comes from being alone where I am. I don't have anyone to go out with and have a girls night out. I guess I could go out with Reggie's friend Lizzy but then I usually feel like she's just doing him a favor. Its just really lonely here. Maybe I should join a book club or some thing when we get on our feet. Who knows. Maybe I'm just destined to be by myself save for my family. Which hoping its in gods plan will start expanding next year. I really hope Reggie can find a goooooood job. Here's hoping next Christmas I'm writing about my pregnancy.
Merry Christmas to all who actually read this and Have a wonderful new year.
Merry Christmas to all who actually read this and Have a wonderful new year.
Sunday, December 21, 2008

I finally made it. After most of my guild hit 80 but still I finally got those last 10 levels. I'm so happy!
Friday, December 19, 2008
A new job..and an old one lost....
Well I finally found a job after I've been looking since October. I'll be 'homeschooling' two toddlers. Garrett who is 2 and Daniel who is 3 1/2. Apparently their pre-k hasn't been integrating what they have previously learned into their lessons as well as a few other things so she's pulling them out of the school and giving their full time care to me. For those of you who don't know, Garrett and Daniel are two boys that I've been babysitting for about a year now. They are so adorable and are brilliant wonderful boys. I'm so excited to have been given this opportunity. Here's the catch though. The job could last from 3 weeks to 6 months. I'm really hoping for the 6 months. That way I'll have the expirience needed to persue more opportunities in other day cares and preschools around the area afterward. Its not exactly what I truly wanted to do but its in the same career path just a little younger. So if anyone has any great ideas that they have used in the past let me know :) I've gotten some wonderful ideas but I'm always up for more :)
Now for the sad news. Reggie will be layed off as of Janurary 23, 2009. After 7 years in the company, they have decided to close the store. He'd stay on but the only position available in the area is a CSR which is like a triple demotion for him. But the good news is that he'll be getting a nice severence pay which should help us out till he can find soemthing new. His parents would like to see him go to the tech school and learn a trade. I'd like to think that he'll finally go through with it. He is so smart and intellegent.
Lets see what else is new, oh yeah! So I've started trying to think of ways to cut down on bills and one of them was to start making Sour Dough bread instead of wasting 3 dollars on decent bread. My grandmother bought me and Reggie a bunch of food for christmas, so I've got like a 25 lb bag of flour in my kitchen LOL. So far I've made Sour Dough buscuits and tonight I tried to make Sour Dough Pizza. OMG the pizza crust is AMAZING!!!!! However my buscuits flopped. I compacted the dough to much. But they were tasty even if you could bounce them across the room and believe you me Reggie and I sure tried LOL.
Well I'm going to go munch on some more crust and play my World of Warcraft. Almot to lv 80 WOOOOOOOOOOT!
Now for the sad news. Reggie will be layed off as of Janurary 23, 2009. After 7 years in the company, they have decided to close the store. He'd stay on but the only position available in the area is a CSR which is like a triple demotion for him. But the good news is that he'll be getting a nice severence pay which should help us out till he can find soemthing new. His parents would like to see him go to the tech school and learn a trade. I'd like to think that he'll finally go through with it. He is so smart and intellegent.
Lets see what else is new, oh yeah! So I've started trying to think of ways to cut down on bills and one of them was to start making Sour Dough bread instead of wasting 3 dollars on decent bread. My grandmother bought me and Reggie a bunch of food for christmas, so I've got like a 25 lb bag of flour in my kitchen LOL. So far I've made Sour Dough buscuits and tonight I tried to make Sour Dough Pizza. OMG the pizza crust is AMAZING!!!!! However my buscuits flopped. I compacted the dough to much. But they were tasty even if you could bounce them across the room and believe you me Reggie and I sure tried LOL.
Well I'm going to go munch on some more crust and play my World of Warcraft. Almot to lv 80 WOOOOOOOOOOT!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
I will start off by saying that I am horribly addicted to World of Warcraft. I play a Blood Elf Hunter, a Blood Elf Priest, and an Undead Death Knight (which may change with next patch). My fiance and I are both members of an amazing guild, Chaos Brewing, on the Sen' Jin Server. So if you happen upon this blog and are on the same server do drop me a hello. I'm always interested in meeting new people both in and out of the game. :)
Now that that is out of the way I'll continue with my introduction....the real life one ;-). I am 22 years old and live in Macon, Ga with my wonderful Fiance. He is my world and I couldn't imagine my life with out him. He's my shoulder and my partner but most of all he's my best friend. We've been together since Feburary 12 of 2005 and will be married on March 21,2009. ( The geeky thing is we will also be having an in game service tba hee hee) I have two wonderful boys (cats) named Boots and Acheron (ash for short), and another one (dog) named in Mace Windu from Star Wars. (my fiance's dog LOL)
Currently I'm unemployed but have been looking like crazy for a job so that we can keep the house we're in so if you know of any jobs in the area please tell me :*(. We love this house and its just the right size for us to start a small family in. I'll have to post pictures for the few friends who may find me on here.
If you would like to know anything else just ask. Thats all I could think of for now. Thanks for dropping by.
Now that that is out of the way I'll continue with my introduction....the real life one ;-). I am 22 years old and live in Macon, Ga with my wonderful Fiance. He is my world and I couldn't imagine my life with out him. He's my shoulder and my partner but most of all he's my best friend. We've been together since Feburary 12 of 2005 and will be married on March 21,2009. ( The geeky thing is we will also be having an in game service tba hee hee) I have two wonderful boys (cats) named Boots and Acheron (ash for short), and another one (dog) named in Mace Windu from Star Wars. (my fiance's dog LOL)
Currently I'm unemployed but have been looking like crazy for a job so that we can keep the house we're in so if you know of any jobs in the area please tell me :*(. We love this house and its just the right size for us to start a small family in. I'll have to post pictures for the few friends who may find me on here.
If you would like to know anything else just ask. Thats all I could think of for now. Thanks for dropping by.
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