I'll post some pictures of reggie and I this christmas. Hopefully we'll have enough to set aside soon for some professional pics. We haven't even gotten our engagement photos yet...I'm hoping we can go to a decent place for pictures and get some more poses than the normal ones they do at wally world. Don't get me wrong I've had some beautiful pictures at walmart but...I want some extrodinarily good pictures for these ones since they will be our first professional ones together. :) Anyway here are some we took with Reggie's phone....

No we're not drunk..Actually I was in a bad mood when we took these and this was his way of actually getting me to smile in a picture...how sweet huh :)

Me trying to actually look decent ina photo. My hair looks like crap :*(

The love of my life :) He's the best man I have ever been with :)

Our cute little tree. Its so pretty you can't really tell here. I wish we had a digi camera.

I had too much free time LOL

I thought this one turned out nice :) and its his favorite movie too so now he's my jedi master :)
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