Now that that is out of the way I'll continue with my introduction....the real life one ;-). I am 22 years old and live in Macon, Ga with my wonderful Fiance. He is my world and I couldn't imagine my life with out him. He's my shoulder and my partner but most of all he's my best friend. We've been together since Feburary 12 of 2005 and will be married on March 21,2009. ( The geeky thing is we will also be having an in game service tba hee hee) I have two wonderful boys (cats) named Boots and Acheron (ash for short), and another one (dog) named in Mace Windu from Star Wars. (my fiance's dog LOL)
Currently I'm unemployed but have been looking like crazy for a job so that we can keep the house we're in so if you know of any jobs in the area please tell me :*(. We love this house and its just the right size for us to start a small family in. I'll have to post pictures for the few friends who may find me on here.
If you would like to know anything else just ask. Thats all I could think of for now. Thanks for dropping by.
Careful Lin, Blogging is addictive. I've been doing nearly 2 posts a day since I started.